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Our Services

We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Land Surveying Needs

Learn more about some of our most common types of Surveys:

Boundary & Improvement Surveys

Boundary surveys, also referred to as Pin Surveys or Monumented Land Surveys, verifies the property lines of the deed and monuments the property comers. 

A Land Survey Plat (LSP) or Improvement Survey Plat (ISP), per state regulations, is prepared to show the monuments, dimensions of lines along with the area of the property.  ISP's also show the improvements relative to the property lines. Any encroachments are also shown and noted.  Easements and/or Rights-of-way listed in a title commitment are also shown on the plat.

Boundary Surveys can help in establishing new improvements such as fences and additions.

A survey is also one of the most important and valuable items in the real estate transaction, so make sure you contact a surveyor before buying or selling real estate.  Just because the title company or lender say they don't need or require a survey - doesn't mean you don't NEED it!.


For more information on why you need a survey click here: PLSC Brochure

Rusty Windmill

Improvement Location Certificate (ILC)

An Improvement Location Certificate or ILC is an inspection of a parcel by a licensed surveyor to determine possible encroachments or other matters that could be adverse from a land surveying standpoint. The ILC can be a low cost - high value document that is often required for a real estate transaction.  Due to it's cost and nature, the ILC is only certified for a single transaction and to the specific parties involved in that transaction. ILC's are also used by jurisdictions at the completion of construction to show the house, concrete flatwork and decks relative to the property lines, easements and setback lines.


ILC's are NOT Boundary Surveys!


Per the State of Colorado Statutes:

  • An ILC does NOT establish property corners.

  • An ILC should NOT be relied upon for locations of property lines for the establishment of future improvements - including fences.


If any adverse matter is disclosed such as a possible encroachment, title issue or boundary dispute, an ILC can always be upgraded to an Improvement Survey Plat (ISP).  Edmonds will credit the cost of the ILC towards the ISP.


If you are purchasing or selling property, make sure the contract marks that either the ILC or ISP will be required and it is important to know the difference between the two.

ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys

This is one of the most comprehensive surveys of the boundary, improvements and title exceptions of a property.  ALTA/NSPS has established standard survey practices for these surveys along with a list of options (Table A) for client to choose from to help standardize ALTA Surveys from state to state.  Financial institutions, Title Companies, individuals and companies often order ALTA Surveys for Real Estate transactions. 


The latest ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey standards, along with Table A can be found here:  2021 standards


A complete title commitment is required to complete an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey.  

House Frames

Home Builder Services

Allow us to tailor our services to meet your home builder needs.  Every jurisdiction is different in what is required for the permiting process, but we have the experience and knowlege to help you in that process.  Our clients consist of customized homes builders that build a few houses per year to large scale builders that build hundereds of houses per year. Put our experience to work for you!

  • Foundation Staking

  • Setback Certificates

  • Improvement Location Certificates (ILC)

  • Re-establish missing lot corner pins

  • Spot Elevation (As-Built) Exhibits for your Engineer's Grading Certifications.

Land Divisions & Subdivisions

Dividing your land into separate parcels can be a complex undertaking.  The State of Colorado has established Subdivision regulations; however, each County and Municipality also have established regulations regarding their own zoning and land use codes.  From small Family Farm Divisions to large Subdivisions, we have the experience to help in the process.


  • 35 Acre Parcel Creation

  • Family Farm Divisions

  • Lot Line Adjustments

  • Rural Land Divisions

  • Exemption Plat Vacations

  • Amended or Replats of Subdivisions

  • Minor Subdivisions

  • Planned Unit Development

  • Subdivision Plats


Modern Neighborhood
Open Field

Topographic Surveys

Topographic Surveys use horizontal and vertical locations to map the surface of the property and create contours.  Topographic Surveys are frequently used by engineers to view pre-design conditions to calculate slopes, volumes and to aid in their design of new sites.  Topographic Surveys can show boundaries, improvements, easements and/or rights-of-way, trees and other physical features of the property.  Underground utilities can also be mapped and certain areas can have elevations below the surface defined.


Helpful Items for a Topgraphic Survey Estimate:

  • Limits of the Survey Area

  • Title Commitment

  • Underground Utilities Marked

  • Vertical Datum Defined

Construction Staking

The best way to describe construction staking is taking the plans on paper and laying them out to full scale on the ground to give the contractors and excavators the location of the improvements being built.  We have experience in construction staking from small commercial sites to large scale land developments.

Common Improvements to Stake:

  • Overlot Grading

  • Buildings

  • Streets

  • Parking Lots

  • Curb and Sidewalks

  • Utilities

  • Drainage Areas

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